Maritime Computer Emergency Response Team ADMIRAL dataset ADMIRAL dataset

Publicly disclosed information for this event

Index Number:
The website of a shipyard is victim of a denial of service attack claimed by a hacktivist group.
Day Month Year Country Activity Incident Type
16 August 2023 Poland Shipyard Denial of Service


According to sources, the victim shipyard was targeted by a pro-Russian "hacker" group during a Distributed Denial of Service attacks campaing. Other infrastructures and organisations were targeted during the same attack.

The attack resulted in short service disruptions.


PGZ Stocznia Wojennena Sp. z o. o.

Claimed/Reported Threat Actor

Net-Worker Alliance



Main impact



Recommendations to Shipyard to reduce Denial of Service risks:

  • Implement rate limiting and traffic filtering to mitigate the impact of incoming malicious traffic.
  • Check with your IT service provider that the resilience of its systems against such attack was tested.
  • Regularly monitor network traffic and set up alerting for unusual patterns or spikes.
  • Diversify your server locations and use fail-over systems to ensure service availability in case of an attack.
  • Establish an incident response plan to quickly mitigate and recover from DoS attacks.
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Disclaimer: the data are provided as is. France Cyber Maritime and the M-CERT take no responsibility for the soundness, quality, precision, nor the eventual attribution made by the referenced URLs. We give a lot of respect and support to the victims of attacks.
Files generated on Monday, 11th December 2023.
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