Maritime Computer Emergency Response Team ADMIRAL dataset ADMIRAL dataset

Detailed maritime cybersecurity statistics for Intrusion threat

55 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed found for Intrusion

Incidents table - Intrusion

Date Country Victim Incident summary
01/03/2024 Denmark Defence A French company, working in the field of defense systems, is the victim of an intrusion and a major[...]
09/04/2023 Sudan Administration The national Ports Authority is threatened of data leak following an attack carried out by a hacktiv[...]
18/04/2023 United States Defence A shipbuilding company in the defence sector is victim of data theft following a computer intrusion.
06/03/2023 Australia Administration A museum is victim of an attack with financial consequences.
31/08/2022 Singapore Shipyard An offshore platform and ship builder detects an intrusion into its IT systems. Personal data leak.
13/04/2022 United States Undersea cable A telecommunications company operating a submarine cable is victim of a computer attack on the cable[...]
07/02/2022 United Kingdom Shipowner A ferry company is victim of an intrusion. Personal data leak.
24/02/2022 United States MRE An cyberattack on the ground segment of a satellite communication companyleads to the loss of the re[...]
01/02/2022 Israel Shipyard A shipyard is victim of an intrusion.
28/01/2022 France Shipowner A transportation company is victim of intrusion attempts.
14/01/2022 Ukraine Administration The website of a maritime administration is hit by a cyber attack.
XX/09/2021 United States Port An Internet-facing server is compromised but the consequences are limited.
15/09/2021 United States Port Intelligence gathering equipment is discovered on a ship delivering port cranes.
15/06/2021 Korea, Republic of Shipyard The messaging system of a naval industry group is hit by an attack.
06/03/2021 China Shipowner Shipping company mail system hit by an attack.
18/02/2021 Myanmar Port Port Authority hit by a cyberattack.
20/11/2021 France Classification company A classification company working for the maritime sector is hit by an undetailed intrusion which may[...]
01/01/2021 Cambodia Port A Port Authority is targeted by an APT actor.
01/01/2021 Philippines Defence A Navy is targeted by an APT actor.
30/09/2020 United Kingdom Organisation -Sophisticated- cyberattack on a worldwide maritime organisation.
25/09/2020 Malta Organisation A transportation organisation is victim of an intrusion and has to stop its IT for five days.
15/08/2020 Norway Classification company Possible espionage case.
09/05/2020 Iran, Islamic Republic of Port Ports hit by cyberattack believed to be from state origin - operational capacities altered.
01/05/2019 Kuwait Logistics Transportation and shipping industry hit (backdoor).
01/11/2019 United Kingdom Logistics A maritime logistics company suffered a cyberattack following an intrusion.
20/09/2018 Spain Port A port is hit by cyberattack.
10/12/2018 Italy Offshore 400 servers of an IT-based oil company are hit it Saudi Arabia and UAE.
02/11/2018 Australia Shipyard Intrusion in a company building military ships. Data leak.
XX/01/2018 United States Defence Espionage on a subcontractor working for defence contracts.
01/07/2017 Singapore Shipowner Shipowner IT system hacked
31/05/2017 United Kingdom Industry Remote access on a maritime company servers, data leak.
27/05/2017 Australia Shipowner A shipowner experiences a data breach following a possible intrusion.
01/01/2017 Germany Ship Ship remote control claimed.
XX/XX/2016 United States Shipowner Shipping company hit by pirates locating valuables.
11/08/2016 Germany Shipyard A shipyard is victim of a cyberattack. Data leak.
01/04/2016 Korea, Republic of Shipyard Shipyard hit by a cyberattack. Data leak.
02/03/2016 United Kingdom Organisation An anti-piracy organisation may have be hit by a cyberattack.
XX/XX/2015 United States Defence Defence contractors hit by 50 intrusions.
XX/XX/2015 Norway Offshore Over 50 intrusion on the offshore petrol and gaz sector.
01/12/2015 United States Shipowner A device containing personal data about mariners is declared lost.
01/07/2014 United States Logistics Compromised logistics bar code scanner caused cyber attack on internal network.
27/05/2013 United States Defence Several projects in the military naval sector were reported to have suffered from espionage attacks.
XX/XX/2012 Australia Port Customs cargo handling system compromised.
XX/XX/2012 Germany Defence An industrial multinational conglomerate working for the naval sector is victim of a cyber attack.
XX/08/2012 United States Defence Cyberattack on an unclassified defence intranet.
10/10/2012 Iran, Islamic Republic of Offshore Several offshore platforms telecommunication systems are targeted by cyber attacks.
11/08/2011 Japan Industry Cyberattack targeting a major industrial defence contractor.
01/05/2011 United States Defence Remote access for a hacker on naval IT infrastructure.
13/12/2011 Netherlands Port Customs IT system interruption.
XX/XX/2010 Greece Shipowner Wi-Fi remote access on a shipowner IT system for two years enabled hackers to gather ships routing p[...]
01/05/2008 United States Offshore A former employee attacks offshore platforms.
06/11/2006 United States Defence Intrusion on a naval website.
01/04/2002 United States Defence Remote access on naval IT systems.
02/12/2002 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Offshore An intrusion occurs on OT systems during a strike, impacting Programmable Logical Controllers in a p[...]
XX/XX/1999 United States Defence Intrusion in naval systems.

Claimed or Reported Threat Actor for Intrusion

Incidents per activity per year for Intrusion

Incidents per country per year for Intrusion

Incidents per Claimed or Reported Threat Actor per year for Intrusion

Files generated on Wednesday, 15th May 2024.
ADMIRAL is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC license. Copyright © France Cyber Maritime 2024.