Maritime Computer Emergency Response Team ADMIRAL dataset ADMIRAL dataset

Publicly disclosed information for this event

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A company specializing in telecommunications systems for the armed forces is threatened with a data [...]
Day Month Year Country Activity Incident Type
16 May 2023 United States Defence Virus/Ransomware


The victim, identified as an aerospace and defense company, recently came under suspicion of a cyber breach. A cybersecurity firm reported that a ransomware group claims to have infiltrated the company, potentially exfiltrating data pertaining to their collaboration on an Army communication system. In addition to their aerospace and defense endeavors, the company has been involved in significant deals and contracts, highlighting its stature and critical importance in the sector.

According to sources, in response to the potential breach, the company confirmed an IT "system disruption" that impacted a segmented network at a single site. There was no direct mention of any data loss due to the incident. The claiming group shared an image of an apparent blog post advertising the sale of data associated with a technological program conducted by the company. The specifics of whether any actual data theft or compromise occurred remain ambiguous. The group allegedly behind the company's breach seems to primarily focus on North American manufacturers.


L3Harris Technologies

Claimed/Reported Threat Actor




Main impact



Recommendations to Defence to reduce Virus/Ransomware risks:

  • Map, understand, patch and secure your exposed assets on the Internet.
  • Implement email filtering systems to detect and block phishing emails.
  • Train your organisation, personnel regularly against these threats.
  • Install efficient Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) tools.
  • Work with your CSIRT organization to better understand the Tactics, Techniques and Procedures used by threat actors.
  • Monitor your IT and OT systems to quickly detect potential pre-ransomware activity.
  • Implement an efficient offline backup policy.
  • Encrypt all sensitive data to avoid further data leaks.
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Disclaimer: the data are provided as is. France Cyber Maritime and the M-CERT take no responsibility for the soundness, quality, precision, nor the eventual attribution made by the referenced URLs. We give a lot of respect and support to the victims of attacks.
Files generated on Monday, 11th December 2023.
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