Maritime Computer Emergency Response Team ADMIRAL dataset ADMIRAL dataset

Detailed maritime cybersecurity statistics for Virus/Ransomware threat

204 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed found for Virus/Ransomware

Incidents table - Virus/Ransomware

Date Country Victim Incident summary
10/03/2024 United States Leasure An American company specializing in the sale of pleasure boats is the victim of a ransomware attack.
04/02/2024 United States Defence A major American arms company is the victim of a ransomware attack.
29/02/2024 United States Industry An American shipyard, an important player in the construction of Coast Guard ships, is the victim of[...]
04/01/2024 France Logistics A French road transport company offering customs brokerage and ship charter services is the victim o[...]
30/01/2024 United States Defence An American IT development company, subcontractor of the American Department of the Navy, is the vic[...]
30/01/2024 United States Industry The sustainable development division of a major French player in automation and energy management sy[...]
15/01/2024 United States Transport An American multimodal transport company is the victim of a ransomware attack.
06/09/2023 United States Industry An American shipping company specializing in supporting the offshore industry is the victim of a ran[...]
12/09/2023 Canada Administration A Canadian administration in the environmental sector is the victim of a ransomware attack.
29/08/2023 Netherlands Industry A shipbuilding subcontractor company is victim of a ransomware attack.
14/08/2023 United Kingdom Defence Sensitive data from the British Ministry of Defense and Navy has been stolen following a ransomware [...]
04/07/2023 Japan Port A port is victim of a ransomware attack.
27/07/2023 United Arab Emirates Shipyard A UAE shipyard is victim of a ransomware attack.
24/07/2023 United States Defence A company specializing in civil and military aeronautics and providing services and products to vari[...]
14/07/2023 Türkiye Defence A company specializing in the field of defence and security is victim of a ransomware attack.
27/06/2023 Germany Industry A company producing industrial automation for the maritime sector is victim of a ransomware attack.
26/06/2023 France Industry A company producing industrial automation for the maritime sector is victim of a ransomware attack.
21/06/2023 Canada Offshore An offshore operating company is victim of a ransomware attack.
02/06/2023 Italy Port A company specializing in multimodal transport is threatened of data leak following a ransomware att[...]
14/06/2023 United Kingdom Offshore A company specializing in the extraction and exploitation of oil is threatened of data leak followin[...]
07/05/2023 Switzerland Industry A company specializing in the digitization of industrial processes related to energy is victim of a [...]
16/05/2023 United States Defence A company specializing in telecommunications systems for the armed forces is threatened with a data [...]
11/05/2023 United States Industry A company supplying marine engines to shipyards is threatened of data leaks following a ransomware a[...]
24/04/2023 Netherlands Port A port terminal manager is victim of a ransomware attack in a terminal in Malaysia.
17/04/2023 France Industry A design office specializing in water-related fields is victim of a ransomware attack.
14/04/2023 Germany Defence A company operating in the Defence sector is victim of a ransomware attack.
12/04/2023 United States Defence A shipyard specializing in the Defence sector is victim of a ransomware attack.
12/04/2023 Germany Shipyard A shipbuilder specializing in luxury yachts is victim of a ransomware attack.
12/04/2023 Germany Shipyard A shipbuilder specializing in luxury yachts is victim of a ransomware attack.
06/03/2023 Netherlands IT Services A company specialized in vessel monitoring services is facing a data leak risk after a ransomware at[...]
24/03/2023 France Defence A specialist in data processing software solutions, particularly established in the field of defence[...]
23/03/2023 United Arab Emirates Shipyard A shipbuilding company falls victim to ransomware attack.
20/03/2023 Germany MRE An engineering company operating in the field of renewable marine energies is threatened with data l[...]
05/02/2023 France IT Services A cloud-based management software solution is unavailable due to an attack targeting its cloud servi[...]
24/02/2023 France Defence An engineering company specialized in safety and security equipments used by defence programs is fac[...]
24/02/2023 France Defence An engineering company specializing in security equipment used in military and naval programs is thr[...]
15/02/2023 Norway Offshore An offshore engineering company is hit by a ransomware attack.
04/12/2023 Viet Nam MRE A Vietnamese national electricity production company partly of hydraulic origin is the victim of a r[...]
04/12/2023 United States Industry The American subsidiary of an Australian shipbuilder is the victim of a ransomware attack.
26/12/2023 Ukraine Administration A Ukrainian administration in charge of maritime transport is the victim of a possible data leak fol[...]
05/11/2023 France Transport A French passenger transport company is the victim of a data leak following a ransomware attack.
07/01/2023 Norway IT Services A fleet management software is shut down to respond to a ransomware attack.
05/09/2022 Panama Logistics A multimodal logistics actor is hit by a ransomware attack.
02/09/2022 Saudi Arabia Logistics A multimodal logistics actor is hit by a ransomware attack.
18/09/2022 Philippines Port A port actor working in LPG is hit by a ransomware attack.
15/09/2022 Singapore Port A port actor is hit by a ransomware attack.
06/08/2022 Bulgaria Logistics A freight transport company is hit by a ransomware
06/07/2022 France Industry A supplying company for port and naval sector is hit by a ransomware attack. Data leak.
04/07/2022 United Kingdom Shipowner A ferry company is hit by a ransomware attack.
22/07/2022 Finland Logistics An important manufacturer of electric - electronic - IT and OT equipment for the maritime sector is [...]
22/07/2022 Philippines Education A maritime academy is hit by a ransomware attack. Database leaked is seen on sale the following days[...]
02/07/2022 United States Logistics A multimodal logistics company is hit by a ransomware attack.
14/07/2022 United States Shipowner A shipowner of barges and tugs is hit by a ransomware attack.
06/06/2022 Indonesia Logistics A logistics company is hit by a ransomware attack.
04/06/2022 Japan Logistics A freight forwarding company is victim of a ransomware attack.
03/06/2022 United States Logistics A multimodal logistics company is hit by a ransomware attack.
29/06/2022 Türkiye Logistics A maritime freight company is hit by a cyberattack.
29/06/2022 United States Industry A company providing solutions for the submarine and oceanographic and defence industries is hit by a[...]
29/06/2022 India Logistics Shipping solution company hit by cyberattack.
24/06/2022 Lithuania Shipowner A ferry company is hit by a cyberattack.
14/06/2022 Indonesia Industry A company working in the oil and gas sector is hit by a ransomware attack.
12/06/2022 United States Industry A company working in the oil and gas sector is hit by a ransomware attack.
10/06/2022 Cyprus Logistics A maritime freight company is victim of a ransomware attack.
21/05/2022 Taiwan, Province of China Logistics A multimodal logistics company is hit by a ransomware attack. Data leak.
13/05/2022 United States Industry A company working in the manufacturing and sale of marine equipment is victim of a ransomware attack[...]
10/05/2022 United States Fishing A fishery company is hit by a ransomware attack.
29/04/2022 United States Industry An industry company working for the maritime sector is hit by a ransomware attack.
27/04/2022 Greece Shipowner A shipowner working in the ferry industry is victim of a ransomware attack.
26/04/2022 Peru Industry An industry company working on maritime pier construction is hit by a ransomware attack.
23/04/2022 Germany MRE A compagny working in the on shore and offshore windturbines market is hit by a ransomware attack.
20/04/2022 Greece Shipowner A shipping compagny is hit by a ransomware attack.
17/04/2022 United Kingdom Shipowner A ferry company is hit by a cyberattack.
15/04/2022 Iraq Port A multimodal port is targeted by a ransomware attack.
14/04/2022 Oman Port A port is targeted by a ransomware attack.
31/03/2022 Germany MRE A MRE specialized company is hit by a ransomware cyber attack.
31/03/2022 United Kingdom Shipowner A company specialized in the rental of luxury yachts is hit by a ransomware attack.
18/03/2022 Lebanon Logistics A multimodal transport company is hit by a ransomware attack.
09/02/2022 Viet Nam Industry A company working in the oil and gas sector is hit by a ransomware attack.
05/02/2022 United States Logistics A multimodal transport company is hit by a ransomware attack.
05/02/2022 Viet Nam Industry An oil company is hit by a ransomware attack.
28/02/2022 United States Manufacturer A marine construction company is hit by a cyberattack.
21/02/2022 Korea, Republic of Shipyard A shipyard is hit by a cyberattack.
21/02/2022 India Port A port is targeted by a cyberattack. Ships are diverted from this destination to compensate for the [...]
20/02/2022 United Kingdom Shipowner A luxury cruising company is targeted by a ransomware attack.
20/02/2022 United States Logistics A worldwide logistics company is hit by a ransomware attack.
14/02/2022 Germany Industry A maritime engineering company is hit by a ransomware attack.
26/12/2022 Portugal Port The largest port administration of the country is hit by a ransomware attack.
04/11/2022 United States Logistics A port logistic actor is hit by a ransomware attack.
09/10/2022 France Organisation A conglomerate linked to the maritime world is hit by a ransomware.
04/10/2022 United States Industry A company working for complex subsea operations is hit by a ransomware attack.
17/10/2022 Netherlands Port An international port operator is hit by a ransomware attack.
12/10/2022 United States Port An organisation managing the storage and transfert of vehicles within ports is hit by a ra/nsomware [...]
07/01/2022 United States Port A port authority is hit by a ransomware attack.
06/01/2022 Italy Fishing A company working in the fishing sector is hit by a ransomware attack.
29/01/2022 Germany Industry A company working in the oil and gas sector is hit by a ransomware attack.
28/01/2022 Belgium Industry A company working in the oil and gas sector is hit by a ransomware attack.
11/01/2022 Italy Logistics A logistics company working - amongst others - in the maritime domain is hit by a cyber attack.
09/08/2021 Singapore Manufacturer A manufacturer working on electricity equiment for ships and offshore is targeted by a ransomware at[...]
21/08/2021 Japan Fishing A fishing company is hit by a ransomware attack.
21/08/2021 Germany Logistics A freight actor is targeted by a ransomware attack.
16/08/2021 Singapore Insurer An insurer is targeted by a ransomware attack.
11/08/2021 Spain Logistics A bunkering company is hit by a ransomware attack.
11/08/2021 Türkiye Logistics A multimodal logistics company is targeted by a ransomware attack.
09/07/2021 Peru Fishing A fishing company is hit by a ransomware attack. Data leak risk.
07/07/2021 Norway Organisation An organisation working for the maritime and MRE sector is hit by a cyber attack. Data leak.
30/07/2021 Peru Logistics A logistics company is victim of a ransomware cyber attack.
22/07/2021 South Africa Port A port operating system is hit by a cyber attack.
13/07/2021 Syrian Arab Republic Logistics A maritime transport company is victim of a ransomware cyber attack. Data leak.
13/07/2021 Spain Logistics A multimodal transport company is hit by a ransomware attack.
07/06/2021 United States Fluvial A fluvial transport actor is concerned by a ransomware attack.
04/06/2021 United States Logistics A multimodal freight actor is victim of a ransomware cyber attack.
03/06/2021 Brazil Port A port actor would be victim of a ransomware cyber attack.
29/06/2021 Chile Logistics A maritime customs clearance agency is victim of a ransomware attack.
29/06/2021 Japan Shipowner A shipowner is hit by a viral attack on one of its overseas subsidiaries.
24/06/2021 Italy Logistics A multimodal logistics actor is victim of a ransomware attack.
21/06/2021 Korea, Republic of Shipyard A naval shipyard is hit by a cyberattack. Data leak.
02/06/2021 United States Shipowner A ferry company is hit by a ransomware attack.
02/06/2021 France Industry A company specialized in scuba diving is targeted by a ransomware attack.
17/06/2021 France Logistics A multimodal logistics actor is victim of a ransomware attack.
01/06/2021 Singapore Logistics A logistic company is hit by a ransomware attack.
22/05/2021 Peru Logistics A logistic actor is targeted by a ransomware attack.
10/05/2021 Netherlands Logistics A multimodal logistic actor is hit by a ransomware attack.
08/04/2021 France Shipowner A shipowner is hit by a ransomware attack.
07/04/2021 United Arab Emirates Shipowner A shipowner is targeted by a ransomware attack.
07/04/2021 United States Logistics A multimodal logistic actor is victime of a ransomware attack.
27/04/2021 France Organisation A fluvial organisation is hit by a ransomware cyber attack.
01/04/2021 United Kingdom Shipowner A ferry company is hit by a ransomware attack
18/03/2021 Japan Shipowner A shipowner is hit by a viral attack.
07/02/2021 India Logistics A logistics company working - amongst others - for the maritime sector is hit by a ransomware attack[...]
18/02/2021 France Shipyard A yacht building company is hit on several sites. Cost estimated at 45 M€.
15/02/2021 United States Classification company A classification company is victim of a ransomware attack.
09/12/2021 Singapore Logistics A liner services agency and logistics company is hit by a ransomware attack. Personal and commercial[...]
08/12/2021 Malaysia Port A port is targeted by a ransomware attack. Personal and commercial data leak risk.
06/12/2021 Hong Kong Logistics A logistics company is hit by a ransomware attack.
28/12/2021 Norway Offshore A company working in offshore oil&gas would have been hit by a ransomware attack.
25/12/2021 United Kingdom Logistics A logistics company is victime of a ransomware attack.
19/12/2021 Indonesia Offshore A company working in offshore oil&gas is hit by a ransomware attack.
15/12/2021 Germany Logistics A logistics company is targeted by a ransomware attack.
14/12/2021 Japan Manufacturer A manufacturer of - amongst others - marine motors is hit by a ransomware attack.
30/11/2021 Argentina Fluvial A fluvial company is hit by a ransomware attack.
27/11/2021 France Insurer An insuring company working for the maritime sector is hit by a cyber-attack.
25/11/2021 Singapore Offshore A company offering offshore services is hit by a ransomware cyberattack.
24/11/2021 Australia Logistics A maritime freight company is victim of a ransomware attack.
19/11/2021 Denmark MRE A company specialized - amongst others - in maritime renewable energies (MRE) is targeted by a ranso[...]
01/11/2021 Greece Shipowner Several shipowners are victims of an attack on a common communication system.
24/10/2021 Korea, Republic of Shipyard A shipyard is hit by a cyberattack.
12/10/2021 Thailand Offshore An exploration and petroleum production company is hit by a ransomware attack.
12/10/2021 Qatar Offshore An oil company is hit by a ransomware attack.
21/01/2021 Australia Logistics A multimodal logistic company is hit by a ransomware attack.
10/01/2021 Norway Fishing A ransomware hits a fish farm company.
XX/XX/2020 United Kingdom Ship A vessel has its ship server and clients infected by a ransomware. Data loss.
XX/XX/2020 United States Ship Three vessels are infected by a ransomware.
28/09/2020 France Shipowner Shipowner hit by ransomware, data leak.
25/09/2020 Greece Shipowner A ferry and shipping company is targeted by a ransomware attack.
20/09/2020 France Logistics Multimodal actor hit by ransomware.
11/09/2020 Denmark Logistics Multimodal actor hit by ransomware.
05/08/2020 Norway Offshore A company working in the offshore domain in targeted by a ransomware attack.
23/07/2020 United States Manufacturer A GPS manufacturer working, amongst others, for the maritime sector, is hit by a ransomware attack.
09/06/2020 Norway Shipyard Shipyard hit by a ransomware attack altering its operational capacities. Partial unemployment.
20/06/2020 United States Offshore A company working in dredging, waterfront construction, piers and wharves, bridge building, heavy li[...]
02/06/2020 Norway Shipowner A ship and crew management and marine services providing company is hit by a ransomware attack.
19/06/2020 France Shipyard Yachting shipyard hit by cyberattack.
18/05/2020 Hong Kong Shipowner A shipowner is victim of a ransomware attack. 20% of workstations and 10% of its servers are encrypt[...]
07/04/2020 Denmark Industry A pumping system manufacturing company is hit by a ransomware cyberattack.
27/04/2020 United States Offshore An offshore company is targeted by a ransomware attack - data leak.
23/04/2020 Sweden Manufacturer A marine manufacturer is targeted by a ransomware attack.
10/04/2020 Switzerland Shipowner Cruising company hit by a cyberattack - its systems are impacted during five days.
15/03/2020 France Port Cyberattack on a smart port.
28/12/2020 Germany Shipowner Cruising company hit by a cyberattack. May have also impacted its ships and other ships of the group[...]
14/12/2020 Norway Shipowner Cruising company hit by a ransomware attack making some IT systems unavailable for days. Several per[...]
16/11/2020 France Logistics A logistics company is targeted by a ransomware attack.
16/11/2020 United States Port Fluvial port hit by ransomware. Attackers asked for a $US 200 000 ransom. Systems were recovered in [...]
20/10/2020 Canada Logistics A transportation service firm is hit by the Egregor group.
15/10/2020 United States Logistics An important transportation service firm is hit by a ransomware attack. Data leak.
01/10/2020 United Kingdom Shipowner A ferry company is targeted by a ransomware attack causing impact on booking systems.
10/01/2020 France Logistics A multimodal logistic actor is hit by a ransomware attack
XX/XX/2019 Finland Ship Several servers onboard a tanker and their backups are encrypted by a ransomware.
XX/XX/2019 Unknown Ship Two ships of the same shipowner are infected by the Hermes ransomware.
01/07/2019 United States Port Port actor hit by a ransomware.
01/02/2019 United States Ship Coast guard boarding on a ship victim of a cyberattack.
30/12/2019 United Kingdom Industry An offshore consulting company is hit by a ransomware attack.
01/12/2019 United States Port MTS actor hit by ransomware (ICS, CCTV and access control impacted).
10/11/2019 United States Offshore An offshore company is hit by a ransomware attack.
25/09/2018 United States Port Port hit by a ransomware attack.
24/07/2018 United States Port Port hit by ransomware following a shipowner infection.
30/06/2017 Denmark Shipowner Shipowner and its port terminals hit by NotPetya. 300M US$ loss. More than 4000 servers, 45 000 PCs [...]
30/06/2017 Netherlands Port Ports hit by NotPetya.
28/06/2017 Argentina Port Port hit by ransomware.
27/06/2017 India Port A port is hit by a ransomware attack leading to an interruption of its activities.
XX/XX/2015 United States Offshore Offshore mobile drilling unit hit by a virus
01/10/2015 France MRE MRE company computer hit by ransomware.
XX/XX/2013 United States Offshore Viruses on offshore company platform computers having an impact on OT systems.
01/09/2013 Korea, Republic of Shipyard Campaign targeting JP and KR maritime and ship-building groups.
01/09/2013 United States Offshore Campaign targeting US oil and gas company as well as other countries.
01/03/2013 United States Industry Cyberattack targeting the maritime industry in several countries.
01/03/2013 Germany Industry Cyberattack targeting the maritime industry in several countries.
01/03/2013 Sweden Industry Cyberattack targeting the maritime industry in several countries.
01/03/2013 United Kingdom Industry Cyberattack targeting the maritime industry in several countries.
01/03/2013 Australia Industry Cyberattack targeting the maritime industry in several countries.
01/08/2012 Saudi Arabia Offshore Virus spread on offshore company network.
XX/04/2012 Iran, Islamic Republic of Offshore A virus is discovered on oil terminals.
21/04/2012 Denmark Organisation A maritime authority is compromised by a virus sent through email. Documents and information on netw[...]
XX/XX/2010 Korea, Republic of Offshore An offshore platform is infected by malware - 19 days of downtime on some systems.
12/01/2009 France Defence Worm spread on internal defence networks.

Claimed or Reported Threat Actor for Virus/Ransomware

Incidents per activity per year for Virus/Ransomware

Incidents per country per year for Virus/Ransomware

Incidents per Claimed or Reported Threat Actor per year for Virus/Ransomware

Files generated on Wednesday, 15th May 2024.
ADMIRAL is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC license. Copyright © France Cyber Maritime 2024.