Maritime Computer Emergency Response Team ADMIRAL dataset ADMIRAL dataset

Maritime cybersecurity in United States - Disclosed incidents

99 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed found for United States

Most impacted maritime activities - United States

  • Defence: 22 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (22.2%)
  • Port: 17 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (17.2%)
  • Logistics: 14 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (14.1%)
  • Industry: 13 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (13.1%)
  • Offshore: 8 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (8.1%)
  • Shipowner: 6 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (6.1%)
  • Ship: 5 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (5.1%)
  • Leasure: 3 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (3.0%)
  • Transport: 2 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (2.0%)
  • Manufacturer: 2 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (2.0%)
  • Education: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Classification company: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Fluvial: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • MRE: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Undersea cable: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Fishing: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Shipyard: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)

Incident types - United States

  • Virus/Ransomware: 52 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (52.5%)
  • Intrusion: 17 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (17.2%)
  • Spearphishing: 7 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (7.1%)
  • Denial of service: 6 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (6.1%)
  • Data leak: 6 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (6.1%)
  • Undisclosed: 4 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (4.0%)
  • Website Compromission: 2 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (2.0%)
  • GPS/AIS jamming/spoofing: 2 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (2.0%)
  • Human error: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Scam: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Legitimate access: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)

Maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed - United States

Date Type Victim Incident summary
24/09/2024 Virus/Ransomware Industry To be disclosed
27/08/2024 Virus/Ransomware Logistics To be disclosed
24/08/2024 Undisclosed Leasure To be disclosed
20/08/2024 Undisclosed Offshore To be disclosed
17/06/2024 Virus/Ransomware Industry To be disclosed
15/04/2024 Virus/Ransomware Leasure To be disclosed
14/03/2024 Undisclosed Transport A US company, a major logistics player offering maritime transport services, isolates p [...]
10/03/2024 Virus/Ransomware Leasure An American company specializing in the sale of pleasure boats is the victim of a ranso [...]
04/02/2024 Virus/Ransomware Defence A major American arms company is the victim of a ransomware attack.
29/02/2024 Virus/Ransomware Industry An American shipyard, an important player in the construction of Coast Guard ships, is [...]
30/01/2024 Virus/Ransomware Defence An American IT development company, subcontractor of the American Department of the Nav [...]
30/01/2024 Virus/Ransomware Industry The sustainable development division of a major French player in automation and energy [...]
15/01/2024 Virus/Ransomware Transport An American multimodal transport company is the victim of a ransomware attack.
06/09/2023 Virus/Ransomware Industry An American shipping company specializing in supporting the offshore industry is the vi [...]
25/09/2023 Denial of service Defence The website of an American company specializing in the field of Defense is the victim o [...]
24/07/2023 Virus/Ransomware Defence A company specializing in civil and military aeronautics and providing services and pro [...]
10/07/2023 Legitimate access Defence Two members of the US Navy are accused of espionage after the discovery of a data leak [...]
13/06/2023 Undisclosed Shipyard A pleasure boat manufacturer is victim of a cyberattack, leading to the obligation to s [...]
16/05/2023 Virus/Ransomware Defence A company specializing in telecommunications systems for the armed forces is threatened [...]
11/05/2023 Virus/Ransomware Industry A company supplying marine engines to shipyards is threatened of data leaks following a [...]
18/04/2023 Intrusion Defence A shipbuilding company in the defence sector is victim of data theft following a comput [...]
12/04/2023 Virus/Ransomware Defence A shipyard specializing in the Defence sector is victim of a ransomware attack.
04/12/2023 Virus/Ransomware Industry The American subsidiary of an Australian shipbuilder is the victim of a ransomware attack.
02/07/2022 Virus/Ransomware Logistics A multimodal logistics company is hit by a ransomware attack.
14/07/2022 Virus/Ransomware Shipowner A shipowner of barges and tugs is hit by a ransomware attack.
03/06/2022 Virus/Ransomware Logistics A multimodal logistics company is hit by a ransomware attack.
29/06/2022 Virus/Ransomware Industry A company providing solutions for the submarine and oceanographic and defence industrie [...]
12/06/2022 Virus/Ransomware Industry A company working in the oil and gas sector is hit by a ransomware attack.
13/05/2022 Virus/Ransomware Industry A company working in the manufacturing and sale of marine equipment is victim of a rans [...]
10/05/2022 Virus/Ransomware Fishing A fishery company is hit by a ransomware attack.
29/04/2022 Virus/Ransomware Industry An industry company working for the maritime sector is hit by a ransomware attack.
13/04/2022 Intrusion Undersea cable A telecommunications company operating a submarine cable is victim of a computer attack [...]
25/03/2022 Spearphishing Port Several websites of the US Maritime Transportation System are spoofed in order to opera [...]
05/02/2022 Virus/Ransomware Logistics A multimodal transport company is hit by a ransomware attack.
28/02/2022 Virus/Ransomware Manufacturer A marine construction company is hit by a cyberattack.
24/02/2022 Intrusion MRE An cyberattack on the ground segment of a satellite communication companyleads to the l [...]
20/02/2022 Virus/Ransomware Logistics A worldwide logistics company is hit by a ransomware attack.
04/11/2022 Virus/Ransomware Logistics A port logistic actor is hit by a ransomware attack.
04/10/2022 Virus/Ransomware Industry A company working for complex subsea operations is hit by a ransomware attack.
12/10/2022 Virus/Ransomware Port An organisation managing the storage and transfert of vehicles within ports is hit by a [...]
07/01/2022 Virus/Ransomware Port A port authority is hit by a ransomware attack.
09/XX/2021 Intrusion Port An Internet-facing server is compromised but the consequences are limited.
15/09/2021 Intrusion Port Intelligence gathering equipment is discovered on a ship delivering port cranes.
07/06/2021 Virus/Ransomware Fluvial A fluvial transport actor is concerned by a ransomware attack.
04/06/2021 Virus/Ransomware Logistics A multimodal freight actor is victim of a ransomware cyber attack.
02/06/2021 Virus/Ransomware Shipowner A ferry company is hit by a ransomware attack.
07/04/2021 Virus/Ransomware Logistics A multimodal logistic actor is victime of a ransomware attack.
19/03/2021 Data leak Shipowner A cruising company is hit by a data leak.
15/02/2021 Virus/Ransomware Classification company A classification company is victim of a ransomware attack.
29/01/2021 Data leak Port A port authority is hit by a cyber attack.
XX/XX/2020 Virus/Ransomware Ship Three vessels are infected by a ransomware.
15/08/2020 Data leak Shipowner Cruising company hit by ransomware. Important data leak.
01/08/2020 Spearphishing Port Spearhishing against the MTS.
23/07/2020 Virus/Ransomware Manufacturer A GPS manufacturer working, amongst others, for the maritime sector, is hit by a ransom [...]
20/06/2020 Virus/Ransomware Offshore A company working in dredging, waterfront construction, piers and wharves, bridge build [...]
01/05/2020 GPS/AIS jamming/spoofing Ship AIS Crop circles off California.
27/04/2020 Virus/Ransomware Offshore An offshore company is targeted by a ransomware attack - data leak.
23/02/2020 Data leak Logistics Logistics actor hit by a cyberattack. Data leak.
16/11/2020 Virus/Ransomware Port Fluvial port hit by ransomware. Attackers asked for a $US 200 000 ransom. Systems were [...]
15/10/2020 Virus/Ransomware Logistics An important transportation service firm is hit by a ransomware attack. Data leak.
05/01/2020 Data leak Ship During a TV set on board a cruising ship, a password is readable on a screen.
01/07/2019 Virus/Ransomware Port Port actor hit by a ransomware.
01/05/2019 Spearphishing Ship Two cruising ships are bit by phishing attacks. Personal data leak.
01/02/2019 Virus/Ransomware Ship Coast guard boarding on a ship victim of a cyberattack.
01/12/2019 Virus/Ransomware Port MTS actor hit by ransomware (ICS, CCTV and access control impacted).
10/11/2019 Virus/Ransomware Offshore An offshore company is hit by a ransomware attack.
25/09/2018 Virus/Ransomware Port Port hit by a ransomware attack.
01/08/2018 Data leak Defence A couple of former US Navy members have stolen personal and confidential datas about 9 [...]
24/07/2018 Virus/Ransomware Port Port hit by ransomware following a shipowner infection.
01/XX/2018 Intrusion Defence Espionage on a subcontractor working for defence contracts.
16/10/2017 Spearphishing Defence Defence actors hit by spearphishing attempts.
XX/XX/2016 Spearphishing Logistics Agent company email accounts spearphished. False Wiring transfers orders scam. 18M$ loss.
XX/XX/2016 Spearphishing Logistics Charterer email accounts spearphished. Financial impact.
XX/XX/2016 Intrusion Shipowner Shipping company hit by pirates locating valuables.
XX/XX/2016 Denial of service Port Port hit by DoS attack.
XX/XX/2015 Intrusion Defence Defence contractors hit by 50 intrusions.
XX/XX/2015 Virus/Ransomware Offshore Offshore mobile drilling unit hit by a virus
01/12/2015 Intrusion Shipowner A device containing personal data about mariners is declared lost.
01/10/2015 Website Compromission Education Website defacement.
XX/XX/2014 Scam Logistics An international bunkering company is hit by false wiring transfer scam.
01/07/2014 Intrusion Logistics Compromised logistics bar code scanner caused cyber attack on internal network.
XX/XX/2013 Virus/Ransomware Offshore Viruses on offshore company platform computers having an impact on OT systems.
XX/XX/2013 GPS/AIS jamming/spoofing Port GPS issue causes 4 port cranes to stop during 7 hours.
XX/XX/2013 Denial of service Port A port would have been victim of a Denial of service attack.
01/09/2013 Virus/Ransomware Offshore Campaign targeting US oil and gas company as well as other countries.
27/05/2013 Intrusion Defence Several projects in the military naval sector were reported to have suffered from espio [...]
01/03/2013 Virus/Ransomware Industry Cyberattack targeting the maritime industry in several countries.
17/01/2013 Human error Defence Ship grounding in a protected area due to bad ENC - ship was finally decommissioned.
01/09/2012 Spearphishing Defence Spearphishing campain targeting the naval sector.
08/XX/2012 Intrusion Defence Cyberattack on an unclassified defence intranet.
01/05/2011 Intrusion Defence Remote access for a hacker on naval IT infrastructure.
01/05/2008 Intrusion Offshore A former employee attacks offshore platforms.
06/11/2006 Intrusion Defence Intrusion on a naval website.
10/07/2003 Website Compromission Defence A website is hacked and its content replaced by political slogans.
01/04/2002 Intrusion Defence Remote access on naval IT systems.
20/09/2001 Denial of service Port A port is victim of a distributed denial of service (Ping flood) attack.
08/XX/2001 Denial of service Port A port is victim of a distributed denial of service attack.
XX/XX/1999 Intrusion Defence Intrusion in naval systems.
02/03/1998 Denial of service Defence Denial of service attack on IT systems.

Claimed or reported threat actors having impacted United States

  • UNDISCLOSED: 4 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (4.0%)
  • China: 3 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (3.0%)
  • Bianlian: 2 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (2.0%)
  • Lockbit 2.0: 2 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (2.0%)
  • Conti: 2 maritime cybersecurity incidents publicly disclosed (2.0%)
  • ALPHV: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • PLAY: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Killnet: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • HUNTERS: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • BIANLIAN: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • CACTUS: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Akira: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • DONUT: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Lockbit 3.0: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • RHYSIDA: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • 8BASE: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • AKIRA: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Abyss: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Dynamic Duo: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Black Basta: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • DKD: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Onyx: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • REvil: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Maze: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Ryuk: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • SamSam: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Russia: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Icefog: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Anchor Panda: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • Iran: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • The Elderwood Gang: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • sl1nk: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
  • RANSOMHUB: 1 maritime cybersecurity incident publicly disclosed (1.0%)
Files generated on Thursday, 10th October 2024.
ADMIRAL is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC license. Copyright © France Cyber Maritime 2024.